Since 1983, we have been converting Mercedes-Benz transporters to all-wheel drive.

IGLHAUT is looking back at a corporate history of more than 50 years.

Hans Iglhaut and his brother founded an authorised Mercedes-Benz service operation in 1965. With nine employees at the time, customer wishes in the area of maintenance and repair, as well as accident repairs, were served.

Car body and vehicle construction have played a role from the beginning as well. They were able to help a nearby producer of caravans with customised transporters in 1972. The internally constructed wheel base extension received great recognition even in the development department of Mercedes-Benz.

In 1983, the first transporters were equipped with all-wheel drive. Today, IGLHAUT is counted among the all-wheel pioneers in the transporter area.


These are the most important stages of our corporate history in an overview:

1983: Opening.


This year, Hans and Michael Iglhaut developed the first IGLHAUT all-wheel drive based on a request of one of the restaurateurs from the Allgäu.



1986: Second place.


Second in the overall assessment at Liberty Rally Raid from Cologne through Khartoum to Cairo at an outer temperature of 50 °C, 10,000 km of desert – without any technical problems at all.



1998: Patented.


IGLHAUT has the all-wheel drive for Mercedes-Benz Sprinters of the first generation patented.



2008: 25 years of IGLHAUT all-wheel drive.


The new manufacturer release for all-wheel conversion and the factory guarantee for the base vehicle were granted.



2012: Innovation.


The IGLHAUT-conversion to the three-axis vehicle with an admissible total weight of 7.5 tons with a 6x2 or 6x4 drive is presented.



2013: 30 years of IGLHAUT all-wheel drive.


30 years of all-wheel competence.
All-wheel drive is our driving force.