Zertifizierung DIN EN ISO 9001:2008

We are certified to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008.


The quality management standard ISO 9001 is the most frequently used and most important standard in quality management nationally and internationally. Certification according to ISO 9001 forms the basis for a continuous improvement process of our company's internal quality management system.


Process-orientation is an essential principle of ISO 9001. A process-oriented QM system supports all essential operational processes and puts them on the test bench. This way, potential for optimisation can be uncovered even for a good organisation. Documentation, continuous adjustment and improvement creates transparency and clarity, reduces error rates and costs.


Operational processes are simplified. Not only our employees but also you, our dear customers, will profit from this!


Certified Harmlessness


IGLHAUT all-wheel drive – this name has represented outstanding off-road industrial vehicles for more than 30 years.

This anniversary was crowned with the new granting of a harmlessness certificate by Mercedes-Benz for the new Sprinter with IGLHAUT all-wheel drive in 2008.

The release process included, among others:


After this harsh test programme, performed by the development departments of Mercedes-Benz, the manufacturer release for the all-wheel conversion was granted, which maintains the factory guarantee for the basic vehicle in full. Of course, IGLHAUT provides a guarantee for the all-wheel specific parts.

The driver of an IGLHAUT all-wheel drive vehicle can rest assured that this unique selling point provides him with a thoroughly tested real Mercedes-Benz to drive off- and on-road anywhere in the world.


Do you have any requests? Call us:     +49 (0)9332 503-212