For our continually growing company, we are continually looking for qualified and motivated employees (f/m). We give newcomers and experienced workers a chance.


We are looking for applicants (f/m) who can take responsibility, take the initiative and who know what reliability, quality and customer satisfaction means. In addition to performance-compatible compensation and exciting tasks, we offer a good and open operating climate in a solid company with tradition and a future.

Michael Iglhaut


Submit your application if you believe that your skills will be of benefit for us. For initial contact, send your completed application documents to our HR department in Marktbreit.

Training of teens is very important to us. A great number of our employees have been trained in-house by us.


Jobs and career

Every year, we employ trainees for the professions of car mechatronic (f/m), automobile business administrator (f/m), storage logistics specialist (f/m) and car body and vehicle builder (f/m). We also offer internships for pupils and students.


Send your applications for training or internship to our HR department.